TPG Blog #3: No Shirts Over Here and Superb Pork Tacos
Posted on December 15 2020

Oh hello there!
This taped-together picture is of my father-in-law, Vernon Giggy, first on the left, U.S. Army, sometime around World War II, with his friends and … shirtless. And so the story begins, over 80 years ago – let me explain.
One year during the holidays, I brought together loose, random photos and put them in a container on the kitchen table. They were mostly of my husband Brad and I, some before we met, most in the 1980s and all were before our kids were born. Remember then? They were teenagers when I did it and it entertained everyone for literally HOURS – night after night and anytime someone new came into our home, especially their friends. One immediate observation was that Single Brad hardly ever let his photo be taken with a shirt on – again, remember then? And people, they’re not all taken in the heat of our valley summers – a few are with Christmas décor and, yes, it’s cold and foggy here!
Fast forward to last week and I was looking for a Christmas card picture for 2020. Guess what? The “no shirt – take my picture” is hereditary! Our son Austin, who has had more time on a boat this year than in summers past, has fulfilled the legacy and will find himself in a full-circle moment about 20 years from now around his own kitchen table. I raise my glass to you and say that you need to do the same - no, not take off your shirt but the loose, random photos in a container part! Join me as I bring it all back this year in our home – and sit in the next room listening to their comments, laughing until I’m crying!
Super Easy Recipe Alert: SUPERB PORK TACOS
- Rack of baby back pork ribs
- Seasoning
- Tortillas – flour and corn
- Cole Slaw with dressing
- Barbeque sauce
- Hot sauce (optional)
Season a rack of baby back pork ribs with a hefty dose of seasoning. I use Splash Café’s Smoky Expresso Spice Rub (linked here) or just sprinkle heavily with salt, pepper, granulated garlic, Lawry’s seasoned salt and a touch of liquid smoke. Lay the pork ribs in two layers of heavy-duty foil, surround with 5 to 6 ice cubes and seal the foil tightly. Place on a cookie sheet in a 275 - 300 degree oven for about 4 hours. Remove from oven, open foil package, remove bones and shred pork. Heat a little oil in a large skillet over medium heat, add pork and sauté until nicely browned. Remove to serving dish. Add oil to the skillet and heat. Once hot, dip tortillas in and out of oil quickly to soften. Drain on paper towels, folding in half to tacos. Add pork and cole slaw, your favorite barbeque sauce and a bit of hot sauce if that’s your jam.
Have a great week – cheers!